Rewards Club
Connect and engage with Members!
With our new loyalty program, we wish to motivate our Members to be more active on the website, which will increase YOUR earnings too!
Why is it good for you?
- Immediately recognize high-paying Members
- Help your favorite Members reach a high rank
- Target high-profile Members to increase engagement
How does it work?
Members earn points and move up through the ranks by spending Credits on the website. Every time they take you to Private Session, send a Surprise or Message, or do anything that costs Credits, they will earn points.
The more points a Member collects, the higher rank they achieve, so a high-ranking Member should have spent a lot and is usually open to spending more.
Don’t forget, Members reach new levels by spending more and they must remain active to maintain their rank! Raise your Members’ competitive spirit and motivate them to keep ranking up!
Remember to focus on Members with a high rank, as they will be more open to requesting Private Sessions, sending Surprises, or using any of our paid features. This does not mean that you should only focus on them, but if a high-ranking Member enters your room, you should immediately acknowledge them.
- Signature: The very first level! Every Member starts out as a Signature, so give them attention too!
- Bronze: Someone who has already been on the website for a while and uses it regularly.
- Silver: A Member who likes our website, is active on it, and has fun using it. Silvers are very good Members to focus on.
- Gold: Gold Users are high-paying Members you should always pay attention to.
- Platinum: Platinum Members are part of the upper elite. If you see someone with a Platinum badge, always pay special attention to them.
- Diamond: The ultimate VIP User! If you ever have a Diamond Member enter your room, immediately greet and focus on them!
While certain ranks mean a higher willingness to spend Credits on you, each of them deserves your uninterrupted attention as they all start on the same level and eventually rise higher in the ranks!